Bruce Conner was active in San Francisco during the 1960s exhibiting sculpture, drawings, assemblage, painting and film. He managed The North American Ibis Alchemical Light Company light shows at the Avalon Ballroom/Family Dog with Ben Van Meter during the final year, named the San Francisco Oracle, made the emblematic drawing for the program cover for the TRIPS FESTIVAL, performed music, dance and street events. He preceded the 1960s in his lifestyle in the Haight Ashbury during the 1950s. Oak street was blessed with a large painted LOVE sign in the middle of the roadway in 1961.
His artwork is in many public collections in Europe and the Americas.
The Smith Anderson Gallery
728 Emerson Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301
is his representative and dealer.
His work is shown at:
Curt Marcus Gallery, New York City
Kohn/Turner Gallery, Los Angeles
Paule Anglim Gallery, San Francisco.
His films are distributed by:
Canyon Cinema
2325 Third Street, Suite 338
San Francisco, CA 94l07
His films have been a major influence on music film and video as well as compilation experimental film making. Images and music were always an important part of the process and they were shown along with film loops and other film assemblies in the light show at the Family Dog/Avalon Ballroom. His film "A MOVIE" (1957) was selected by The Library of Congress in 1994 for the National Registry of film and archival preservation.